Friday, 25 November 2011

November 23

We got up at 5 am again so we could be on the road back to Ouagadougou by 7. We travelled to Diapaga where Mary lived as a child (35 km from Mahadaga). We walked through her house that is now empty. We also visited the neighbouring house which is where David was born. Then we visited the elder Beogo grave site. He and Mary's father worked closely together for many years to support the surrounding Christian community.

Rough road just outside of Mahadaga
Snake head - sacred rock just outside of Mahadaga

House where Mary lived as a child

House where David lived as a child 

Grave monument
School currently being used in Diapaga
Baobob tree along the way
We continued on our way back to Fada at the SIM compound and conference site. We needed to drop off a few items. Marcus and Jen, who live in one of the homes on the compound, invited us to stay for lunch. Marcus works with the Hope for Aids program to assist those with Aids and also to educate for awareness and preventative measures. Jen has their two-year old son, Silas, to care for and also works with young teenage moms to assist and educate them on Christianity and family values.

Marcus, Jen and Silas (another Fada missionary)
We continued on our way. I asked David why some of the trees were so flat and straight across the bottom. The trees that the animals like, especially mango trees, are chewed off as high as the animals can reach.

Flat-bottomed trees

Truck loaded with people

You'll see anything travelling down the highway
I wanted to get a picture of the cows on the way home as they look different than our cows. Some have horns and humps at the top of their backs. The hump holds a reserve of water in case of drought.

Hump-backed cow
We got back around 6 and had time to unload our suitcases (same room as before). Alan and Alison invited the team to their home for supper. We sure are being treated and fed very well! We enjoyed a great meal and good conversation.

Alan and Alison

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